Saturday, August 29, 2009

Work and Play

I felt you all deserved a proper follow up on my nacho blog…After much prep, Jenny, Amanda, and I pulled if off… A Homemade Nacho Bar! But certainly not without a few reminders that we are in Kenya. The three of us and Theo (our cat, when he decided to prance on into the house), sliced, diced, baked, and boiled in my little mouse hole of a kitchen. We are getting the hang of it though and did a fine job until the oven decided not to light… (1st my microwave and now my oven…but oh well, that is what neighbors are for!)…so we had to hold the knob until our baked nachos were ready.

Yes, another lesson of patience in Africa. (I actually wrote out the blog while my computer started up and connected to the Internet and all I had to do once I got on the Internet was type it out…lol) Later this evening we will indulge in a loquat pie that Amanda so bravely made… This is the basket of loquats we peeled, just in case you didn't know what they looked like because I sure didn't...

But do not worry, I have been working too! Here is my new classroom...

Monday is my 1st day with my 16 children and yes, some of Crossroads came and will stay with me here too! Just for you Mrs. Cate :)

I am so excited to finally meet my new kids for this year. I even get to take Swahili lessons with them!!! By the end of the year you may be seeing my blogs written Swahili ;)

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Adventures in Kenya continue... I decided today that some "simple" nachos would be good for a "quick" lunch. As I walked into my kitchen, I had to stop and laugh as I contemplated the whole process it would take today and could not resist in sharing it with all of you!

1. I would first need tortillas. This is not something I have ventured out in making yet, so I would have to go outside RVA to the vegetable ladies to buy some.

2. Walk back up the HUGE hill at 8000ft...which is actually enjoyable on most days.

3. Stop by the mailroom to see if I have any new mail. Find the right key to get in on my keyring of about 10 keys. (My dad would not be OK with this :)

4. Back at home to cut up the tortillas to make fresh tortilla chips. Yes, I have learned to do this!

5. Grate cheese. No, we do not have prebagged shredded cheese as far as I know. Although, I did run out of cheese yesterday, so I would have to go to my neighbors Amanda or Jenny to get some.

6. Refried beans. Nope. If I wanted beans I should have thought to soak those overnight. So no beans.

7. A little sour cream. Well, I would have had to make that too. Or use plain yogurt. So, no to sour cream.

8. Salsa. There is no Herdez salsa...That means I would have to go back to the vegetable ladies to buy tomatoes, onions, peppers, and cilantro. Avocado would be nice too. Salsa is out of the question.

Needless to say, I decided it would be best to wait on my nachos for another day and just enjoy the last of my Reeses Peanut Buttercups for a quick snack :) Had to laugh about it, hope you did too!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Beautiful Reminder.

Romans 1:20

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been CLEARLY seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

After having a doubting mind these past few days, I could not be more thankful for the painted promise above my house this afternoon, and the reminder that I have no excuse to doubt his glory in all things. He is not far away nor does he change like shifting shadows. My God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He promises Are true.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


There is something I just can't shake and feel compelled to share with you. Sunday afternoon I took a walk down into Kijabe where there is a cemetery. I know it sounds weird, but it has got me thinking. One missionary and their families after another, both past and very present. From the elderly to brand new babies, all living lives in service to Him. Has my life proclaimed that His way is Perfect, that I am Satisfied in Him, and despite life, May the Name of the Lord be Praised? The Lord spoke to me in the silence as I came upon a grave with one word..."Faithful." Amen.

Precious Father, May I be faithful to you, just as you continue to be faithful to me. Thank you for reminding me of your perfect faithfulness through those you love and are rejoicing with now.

Psalm 92:2
" proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night."

I Am Reminded I am In Kenya When...

1. I find myself already rationing peanut butter, kool-aid, and coffee creamer.

2. I look out of my classroom or house windows only to see monkeys climbing and running on branches.

3. Despite a good pair of quality shoes and lots of bleach, my socks are still red.

4. Plans into and around town are planned around Masi Markets.

5. The 1st thing out of my mouth when I walk by people is "Habari" (how are you).

6. Going into town I can see a 2 lane road turn into a 6 lane road.

7. I have 3 layers of clothes on and every house you walk into has a fire roaring in August.

8. Discovering cell phones over here have a flashlight built in for a reason...Mine has got quite alot of use already.

9. When I purchase an avocado the size of a cantaloupe for 10 cents.

10. Going to the veggie ladies is a weekly routine. (I don't even really like vegetables, but I'm eating them for you mom. They taste alot better out here :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

New, New, New!

So...City Girl meets Kenya :) Needless to say...I have had my difficulties, but so many stories to tell my Grandkids one day for sure. Above, you will see a newly acquired taste for soda. It is pretty much all you drink out here, other than freshly squeezed fruit juice when possible. Yesterday, I was able to go into the village and experience Kenyan food once more. I surprised myself, I really did miss eating it this last week. It made me really miss Elizabeth's cooking everyday at Mary and Wallace's. Next, you will see the cause of my first RVA meltdown... Yes, I was never taught how to make a fire. No worries though friends...I am a professional now! Only one box of matches is necessary per fire and it only takes about 15 minutes to really get it roaring. Check out my fire above :) Doing laundry has been a feat in itself. Still trying to dry clothes that I washed on Tuesday. So, by the time school starts I should be able to clothe myself properly. Oh the experiences...Loving it, loving it. My next adventure will be cooking...Lord help me. Christy...we may need to chat!

Monday, August 17, 2009

My New Home Away From Home

I AM FINALLY HERE! I couldn't be a happier me. I feel like I have been walking through a valley for quite sometime and now am standing on top of a mountain (well I literally am too) Mount Kijabe. 8,000 ft at the "School in the Clouds" RVA, Rift Valley Academy! So the past few days have been a definite walk with God. Starting as I left the Kamau's and had their blessing, to staying with the Kurz and having them take me to urgent care...Yes some things never change. But, how many people can say they've been to a Kenyan hospital, well now I can. I am doing fine, thank you for continual prayers. Just some intense muscle pulls in my chest. I arrived at RVA with many happy greetings as they helped me with my suitcases, toured the school with me, and had me over for lunch and dinner. I was able to unpack...finally. Having to be living out of suitcases for the last month and then to finally unpack, seriously has never felt better. Adding all my personal touches until late last night was unbelievable. Cards, frames, a fridge full of pictures, stuffed animals, blankets, pillows, even a few roses that some kids brought me, has made me feel settled. Today I was able to go wake up and make a fresh pot of Kenyan coffee :), went into the village right outside the school and bought vegetables and fruit...yes mom, vegetables. They are different out here. (Just to make you a little jealous, they have avocados out here the size of cantaloupes for about 10 cents each :) I am going to make some good friends making guacamole and I found a lady in Nairobi that the Kurz took me to that makes tortilla chips, I bought several bags :) Blessings, Blessings, Blessings! Attended a few garage sells on campus to add some cheap personal touches to my new home away from home, locked myself out of my house, did a little wash, and am now waiting to go to another home for dinner. Yes, you read correctly, I locked myself out of my house. It was amazing how many people welcomed me over for tea while they searched for new keys. God is here with me, no doubt. I am humbled and feel incredibly loved to experience the trust that I have with my Savior. Miss you all! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement to get me to the place that I am. My heart is overjoyed and I finally feel I am where I've wanted to and am supposed to be for a long time.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Alluring Africa

A good friend of mine shared this with speaks the hearts of those who have been here so well...

While I hope to have left my, no, His mark on the continent I love so much, I know for sure that she’s left a mark on me.
Africa is beautiful, rich, compelling. She won my heart with her beckoning eyes and captivating smiles. Her laughter comes from deep in her soul; her tears from a place even deeper still. And as deep calls to deep, she reaches the most sacred part of my heart. Like any true love, when I close my eyes, she is as close as my own breath. With eyes wide shut, I see majesty in the shape of mountains and elephants and elderly women. I hear spontaneous harmonies, heartbreaking mourning over yet another life stolen away, shouts of praise to a God they deem faithful despite their circumstances. I taste the bitterness of grief and the sweetness of community. I smell the blanketing fires of winter and the matchless fragrance of coming rain. I feel the joy of carefree children, the contentment of simple lives well-lived, and the stirring of God sweeping through narrow unnamed village streets. And when I open my eyes again, she’s still right here—standing tall with her hard-earned pride, holding my hand with her tight ebony grip, and looking forward with an unspeakable hope.
Jesus gave his life for my magnificently alluring Africa.
She is so worth me doing the same.

A Whole New World...

Wow! So I have been in Kenya about 22 days! I will be heading up the Kijabe mountain to RVA in 3 days. Sunday I will be able to settle into my new home...I can hardly wait! I have been blessed to stay with the Kamau's... the most amazing Kenyan family ever! The have three precious children whom I have been able to bond with quickly. It is a full house here for sure...( Mary, Wallace, Faith 12, Victory10, and little David 3, my two new American Brothers Josh and Eric, a Joska student Barraca, and their house lady and her brother...and me of BIG happy family, 11 of us total!... plus some village children during the day. It is a happening place, reminds me of my home in America so it is very comfortable. I have been enjoying fresh mango juice each morning along with 3 Kenyan meals a day... I was very surprised to look out my bedroom window my first day here and see banana trees and someone washing my clothes in a bucket right outside my window...Welcome to Kenya! I've had my moments of frustration with bouts of no electricity and no slowness, again...Welcome to Kenya! But it's amazing to be able to praise God for the little things...Seriously! Thank you for covering me in your prayers. I have felt them all. God is so gracious and he is opening my eyes to a different life that I am in love with. More to come once I get to the Mountain of God, Rift Valley Academy...Can't wait for the view!